
Our Branding Concept


Infogram Product branding can be best described using a “candy wrapper” metaphor: The “candy” is the product, and the “wrapper” is the marketing communications aimed at attracting consumers. We live in a society which has made information the main product to be bought and sold. We live within our own image of the world and feel happy when producers are playing by the rules of our myths and stereotypes. At present, products made by different manufacturers are very similar or have much in common in terms of quality and technologies. Any novelty is copied within one year. The only thing that makes a difference is an attractive wrapper. Marketing can be boiled down to three simple steps: 1. Study your consumer audience and understand their needs. In the diagram below, consumer needs look like the open mouth of a consumer. Consumer research is called on to reveal the shape and size of this mouth (consumer needs). 2. Make a wrapper: create a series of messages that will wrap up your product in such a way to completely satisfy consumer needs. In the diagram, the wrapper is shown as an infogram (to be discussed below), and the product is shown as a small black box. 3. Finally, once we know the consumer’s needs and have the product which most fully satisfies these needs, we just have to say: “Come and buy!” That is, we have to communicate. Communication channels and content are shown in the diagram by arrows.

The “wrapper”, or infogram consists of five information layers. We pack our product in these information layers to make it more attractive to the consumer.


First Layer: 
Functional properties of the product. We are referring to only such product properties that have importance for the consumer.


Second Layer: 
Brand DNA: a company cannot sell a product if it does not believe in it, or if this product does not reflect the company’s aesthetics and values. The opposite is also true: a company with no general product image has no general aesthetics and values.


Third Layer: 
Positioning should include not only the product (service), but also the producer, the consumer, and the way in which the product (service) is provided or functions. Market positioning answers the questions: Who? What? For whom? How?


Fourth Layer: 
A company’s marketing communications should be based on the consumer profile, taking into account the restrictions and values expressed by the brand DNA.


Fifth Layer: 
Creative solutions are the most interesting part of the process for all communication participants. As the final stage in building a communication strategy, creative advertising determines the way in which all previous layers will become noticeable to the consumer.

For more about Gregory Troussov’s branding concept, you can read his book They Shall Come, and They Shall Buy.