
AIBEc ( American Institute of Business and Economic)


Presents Gregory Troussov, outstanding marketing consultant, and Tatiana Pogosova, business trainer with over than 15 years experience in active learning, perfect tandem of theory and practice, in absolutely new course Personal Marketing.

Gregory Troussov 

President of Kontakt-Expert Consulting Company.

Gregory Troussov is the leading Russian marketing consultant and trainer. Author of the business bestseller “They shall come, and they shall buy” (Eksmo Press, 2007), voted “The Best Business Book in Marketing 2007”. Gregory Troussov received a national award "Person of the Year, 2009" for his significant contribution to marketing school of Russia.




Tatyana Pogosova 

Kontakt-Expert, Partner, business coach.

One of Russia's leading experts in motivation and goal-setting. Performs teambuilding and sales trainings and individual coaching. Held over 500 trainings in personal efficiency and corporate trainings. Author of several unique training programs. Her students now are over 25,000 people.

Course provides essential practice of presenting and promoting oneself on the labor, corporate and professional markets as well as in any other social exposure fields. The reason to join this course: decrease dependence on employers’ policies and labor market fluctuations though creating personal brand.


This course is logical extension of Gregory Troussov’s  ‘Marketing Communications’. As the title suggests, marketing paradigm is applied now to a person rather than product or service. Lecture materials highlight main approaches of image-making, political technologies and public behavior.


Course involves intense personal workout of professional and social goals, vision of  self-development, analysis of  self-perception and social feedback, elimination of black spots in self-perception. Most emphasis is put on acquiring skills of intended and focused public communication, goal oriented behavior.


This course will be useful to any manager encountered with the need of self-positioning, considering job change or facing serious decisions on long-term self-development and career building.  


One third of class time is devoted to theoretical framework and two thirds to exercises on self image-making, personal goal setting, self-positioning and focused public behavior.



Strongly advisable to take this course after the G. Troussov’s Marketing Communications. Good command of spoken and written English.


Course Length: 

40 in-class academic-hours. Appropriate home reading and preparation time.


Proposed course structure:

2D and 3D personal image: speaking CV, smiling voice, meaningful gestures 
Personal goals and self-perception: does image work on your goals 
Personal goals and public behavior:  does you behavior work on your goals
Decisions based on self-perception: irrationals and intuition in practice 
Social feedback: eliminating black spots    
Self-positioning: everyday steps to create your image  
Long-term strategy of self-development and career building