Guest Lecturing

Prof. Troussov’s credentials concerning international lecturing and public speaking:   


Lecture topics. Mr. Troussov focuses on Marketing in Post-soviet Countries and emerging markets. His course encompasses wide range of marketing instruments starting from Market Research to exclusive Creative Advertising master-class. All materials are based strictly on contemporary business practices driven from extensive personal consulting experience.


Experience in education. Mr. Troussov is professional bilingual speaker: English (US) and Russian. He is the leading marketing lecturer of 10 MBA programs (including Moscow State University MBA, International Management Institute St. Petersburg, The Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation).   
We can suggest the following topics for the speech:


Lecture Title: Applying Emerging Markets' Practices to Traditional Global Economies


Scope:             Evolution of Western marketing theory took over 100 years. BRIC countries (China, Russia, Brazil and India) have traveled the same path much faster. Initially, Western marketing strategies have been applied “blindly”, much like the magic wand. There was no opportunity to digest 100-year theoretical mix or integrate it into national entrepreneurship culture. After many failures, the last decade brought a new wave of marketing ideas coming mostly from the emerging markets offering fresh perspective on the “stale” marketing science. Isn’t it time to fill the old form with the new meaning? – Let’s see if the traditional economies that have created marketing theories can learn something from the ways emerging economies applied them!


Duration: 1 to 3 hours


Lecture Title: Marketing of Authenticity


Scope:            Global recession has posed a challenge to traditional marketing thinking. The consumers think differently, act differently and, certainly, buy differently. Old marketing ways are not working as efficiently or, sometimes, at all. Traditional research, run-of-the-mill strategies and even most creative advertising are simply not delivering the results companies expect. The lecture will highlight changes in the consumer’s mind and propose the effective new marketing instruments to better understand and communicate to clients.  The set of new marketing approaches can be generally called “Marketing of Authenticity”, as they all deal with presenting the marketing information in a “real” or “authentic” way.


Duration: 1 to 3 hours



Lecture Title: Marketing to Minorities


Scope:            Be that Russians living in the Baltic States, Hispanics in the US or Turks in Germany, minorities now constitute a rising and sizable population of consumers. Often, traditional communications targeting majority of population are simply not working for these groups with different culture, value structure and consumer behavior. Many companies realize these days that they simply cannot afford to let their communications fall through cracks for these audiences. The lecture offers keys to understanding the process of marketing to minorities.


Duration: 1-1,5 hours

Download CV of Mr. Gregory Troussov, pdf